Rebooting consumer router using CLI

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Don't want to use the Web Interface to reboot router? Let's see the CLI ways.

Created on: 2019-05-09

Tag: useless_rnd

Consumer router ie. TPLink, D-Link, Netgear, comes with their proprietary firmware and most of them doesn't support a CLI. I needed a way to reboot my router without using the web GUI. So here we will look at different ways to access those router and reboot them.


The most common way to access a router is to use telnet client if the router supports it. 1:

telnet $ip_address

Type username and password to login. Type help or help system to see all available commands. We should find a reboot command on that list of commands. We can use it to reboot the device.:

system reboot

To reboot using telnet without user interaction (non-interactive) mode we can use the following command:

(sleep 3;echo $username;sleep 3;echo $password;sleep 3;echo system reboot;sleep 3;) | telnet $ip

If we are using Windows, we need to go to Control Panel > Turn Windows features on or off and then enable Telnet Client. Then open the CMD and use the following code:

Option explicit
Dim oShell
set oShell= Wscript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
oShell.Run "telnet"
WScript.Sleep 3000
oShell.Sendkeys "open"
WScript.Sleep 3000
oShell.Sendkeys "admin~"
WScript.Sleep 3000
oShell.Sendkeys "mypassword~"
WScript.Sleep 3000
oShell.Sendkeys "system reboot~"
WScript.Sleep 3000
oShell.Sendkeys "~"

We can save the code as .vbs file and use as in executable file.

If you don't have telnet enable by default, for example in Netgear search for Netgear Telnet Enabler or see NTE - A Portable Program to Enable Telnet Access on Netgear Routers, NetgearTelnetEnable and Unlocking the Netgear Telnet Console.


We can use cURL command to reboot router.

For TP-Link 2:

curl -D -s --header "Authorization:Basic ABCdef123456" --header "Referer: http://$ip:$port/userRpm/SysRebootRpm.htm" -u "$username:$password" "http://$ip:$port/userRpm/SysRebootRpm.htm?Reboot=Reboot"

Netgear debug

While trying to figure this out I found that Netgear has a web debug page which can be access at this address: http://$ip/debug.htm. 3



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