Publish Sphinx doc with GitHub Pages

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The whole process of publishing Sphinx generated doc with GitHub Pages.

Created on: 2018-08-17

GitHub Pages is a very interesting and useful way to host project or code documentations. There are three ways we can use GitHub Pages in our project:

  1. A master branch with index.html in the root directory

  2. A docs directory in the master branch with index.html in the root directory

  3. A gh-pages branch with index.html in the root directory

This site usages the first method. I use reStructuredText(rST) to write the content. Then I use a shell script that usages from docutils to generate html files. The index.html is kept in the root directory of master branch and all other html files relative to the index.html which is a bit complex if done manually and is not really clean if we are doing code documentation.

I am using Sphinx for code and project documentation for sometime now. I like Sphinx as it usages rST which I am familiar with and it has tons of extension and a nice interface. Generating html from Sphinx is as easy as typing make html which generates html files in a pre-defined build directory. The build directory is defined in the Makefile.

Now here is the problem, Sphinx generates docs to a pre-defined directory within a html directory and GitHub Pages can only build pages if index.html is found in the root directory of master branch or docs directory in master branch or root directory of gh-pages branch. If we are using separate directory for source and build the generated html files will be in build\html directory. From the project root directory the path is docs\build\html which GitHub Pages can't find and throws a 404 error. Even if we don't use separate directory for source and build the html file path will be docs\html which is not acceptable for GitHub Pages.

Now we will use a trick to fool both Sphinx and GitHub Pages.

  1. At first modify the Makefile in the docs directory that was generated with Sphinx. Modify the BUILDDIR variable to be .. from build.:

    BUILDDIR      = ..
    #BUILDDIR      = build

What it means that Sphinx will make a html directory in the root directory of master branch when we will make html with make html command. We can modify the make.bat to reflect the change if we wish make html in Windows as well:

REM set BUILDDIR=build
  1. Rename the docs folder to html.

  2. Build the documentation: make html. It finds a html directory at it's build path which is root directory of master branch and builds all the html file there.

  3. Create a .nojekyll file with touch .nojekyll command which will say GitHub Pages to ignore Jekyll theme which fixes the broken css problem.

  4. Undo step 2 by renaming the html folder to docs where the GitHub Pages will look for when build pages.

I wrote a small shell script, to do all this steps at one go. The script assumes you have a docs directory at the project root directory and you are using separate source and build directory.

Now the last thing we need to do is head over to GitHub and go to the project Settings and select 'master branch /docs folder' as Source in GitHub Pages section. Give GitHub Pages a minute to build the pages and visit the link given at 'Your site is ready to be published at...' and you should see the Sphinx generated docs.

This blog is inspired by the blog Sphinx + GitHub pages by Jeff Irion and tries to fix the broken css problem by adding .nojekyll in docs directory.