osmosis Cheat Sheet

< Blog

A quick reference to osmosis.

Created on: 2019-01-22

Tag: cheat_sheet

Populate a PostgreSQL database with pbf

To populate a PostgreSQL database with a pbf file, run this command:

osmosis --read-pbf $absulute_file_path_of.osm.pbf --write-apidb host="$host" database="$database_name" user="$psql_username" password="$psql_password" validateSchemaVersion="no"

Create a .osm form a PostgreSQL database

We can create a .osm file from a PostgreSQL database:

osmosis --read-apidb host="$host" database="$database_name" user="$psql_username" password="$psql_password" validateSchemaVersion="no" --write-xml file="$file_name.osm"

Merge two pbf

We can marge two pbf file using this command:

osmosis --read-pbf file=$input1.osm.pbf --read-pbf file=$input2.osm.pbf --merge --write-pbf omitmetadata=true file=$output.osm.pbf

Load new osm data on PostgreSQL


this is not working anymore.

Loading a new osm data on PostgreSQL database:

osmosis --read-xml filename="$file.osm.gz" --write-apidb host="$host" database="$database_name" user="$psql_username" password="$psql_password" populateCurrentTables=yes validateSchemaVersion=no

Generate diff between two osm

We can generate a diff in .osc or osm change format between two .osm file using this command:

osmosis --read-xml file="input1.osm" --read-xml file="input2.osm" --derive-change --write-xml-change file="output_diff_1_to_2.osc"

Generate diff between osm and PostgreSQL db

We can generate a diff in .osc between a .osm file and a PostgreSQL database:

osmosis --read-xml file="input.osm" --read-apidb host="$host" database="$database_name" user="$psql_username" password="$psql_password" validateSchemaVersion=no --derive-change --write-xml-change file="output_diff_input_to_db.osc"

update a osm with diff

We can update a .osm file with the diff generated in .osc:

osmosis --read-xml-change file="$osc_file.osc" --read-xml file="$old_osm_file.osm" --apply-change --write-xml file="$new_osm_file.osm"
