osmconvert Cheat Sheet

< Blog

A quick reference to osmconvert.

Created on: 2019-01-22

Tag: cheat_sheet

osm to pbf

Converting osm to pbf:

osmconvert test.osm --out-pbf > test.osm.pbf

pbf to osm

Converting pbf to osm:

osmconvert test.osm.pbf --out-osm > test.osm

osm to csv

Converting osm to csv:

osmconvert test.osm --all-to-nodes --csv="@id @lon @lat amenity shop name" --csv-headline -o=test.csv

extract osm with poly

Extracting pbf of a specific geo-bound from a large pbf with poly file:

osmconvert $pbf_file -B=$poly_file -o=$output_pbf_file

extract osm with bbox

Extracting pbf of a specific geo-bound from a large pbf with bbox:

osmconvert bangladesh.osm.pbf -b=90.32908,23.66621,90.51599,23.90121 -o=dhaka.osm.pbf

osm file statistics

Getting osm file statistics:

osmconvert $file --out-statistics
