fDLuDCf's Practical Cryptography DLC: Public Key Cryptography Part 2
Created on: 2020-02-23
Tag: cryptography
This is my class-note for fDLuDCf's Practical Cryptography DLC. I typed out what I thought to be importent and note worthy from the lecture and the slides. This is by no means guilde or complete reference for the course.
this note has numeras spelling mistakes and not yet fixed.
The slides for Lesson 06 is available here.
The video for all lessons are available in the video page
it is possible to do a man in the middle attack in diffie-hellman algo
see previous lacture for how it works
need to get 4 number p,q,e and d
lets assume p=11, q=17, e=7 and d=23, so n=187
the sender knows e=7 and n=187 and the plain-text to encrypt, P=88 which is less n
C = P e mod n => 88 7 mod 187 => [(88 4 mod 187) x (88 2 mod 187) x (88 1 mod 187)] mod 187
C = 11 [more details on slide 15]
P = C d mod n => 11 23 mod 187 => [(11 1 mod 187) x (11 2 mod 187) x (11 4 mod 187) x (11 8 mod 187) x (11 8 mod 187)] mod 187
P = 88 [more details on slide 16]
signature works almost same as encryption
need to get 4 number p,q,e and d
get n from p and q
now instead of encryption with the public key e we encryption with the private key d. so the equation becomes S = P d mod n, where S is the signature.
now we sent both P and S indecating that P is the message and S is the signature.
recives P and S
get the public key of sender e and n
S e mod n
if the result of above step is equal to P conferms the signatory
has a document or data
calculates the hash of document or data
then hash is signed using RSA
the signed has is attached to document or data which becomes signed document or data
then that signed document or data is transmited to the reciver
receives signed document or data
seperaed the signed hash and document or data
get's the public key of sender
verifies the signed hash using the publick key of sender
calculates the hash of the document or data
if the calculated has and the verified hash matches the signature is valid
see slide 25
Shor algo
Peter Shor
this shows that prime factoring can be done in seconds on a quantum computer
so if quantum computer can start workign efficeintelly RSA would become volnurable
Demo Code
an elliptic curve is a set of solution to the equation y 2 = x 3 + ax 2 + bx + c
the curve is not an ellipse but it is called elliptic because of historical reason
number theory
modern physics: string theory
in ECC we defind 2 primitive operations called point adition and point multiplication
in point addition we take two points P and Q in the curve, draw a straight line through them until it intersectes the curve a point -R. then we take the reflection of the point -R on x asix and we get R which is equal to P+Q. [see more at slide 36]
in point doubbling we take a point P and draw a tanget on the point which intersects the curve a point -R. then we take the reflection of the point -R on x asix and we get R which is equal to 2P. [see more at slide 37]
to multipluy P, d times we could add P d times which is the intutive approch and requires d-1 point addition
or we can double P, the double that previous result and so on. If d is even then number of times we need to double is squire root of d, if d is odd the the number is squire root of d-1 and 1 addition
for eaample to compute 17P we would strat with 2P and double that and that two more times and finaly add P so 17P=2(2(2(2P)))+P. which is 4 point dboules and one point addition
key exchange: EC Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)
Digital Signature: EC Digital Signature Algo (ECDSA)
this are standed
encryption and decryption is possible but not very common
for Diffie-Hellman we used to compute y = g x (mod p) where x is a random number and private key and y is the public key.
here we do B = kA where A=g=generator point, k=x=randome intiger thus the private key and B=y=public key
they may see different but they both are same in complexity and with point addition, point doubling and scalar multiplication it is easy to generate public key but infeasable to do the reverse.
assuming two party A and B and a common generator P
A has a private key n A and public key Q A = n A x P
B has a private key n B and public key Q B = n B x P
they exchange their public key Q A and Q B
for A K = n A x Q B
for B K = n B x Q A
=> K = n A x Q B = n A x n B x P = n B x Q A
volnurable to man in the middle attack
curve used y 2 = x 3 + 2x + 2
generator point G(5,1) [see more at slide 43]
for user A and B the agree on the curve used, generator point G, and n
user A picks a private key x=9 and generates xG=9G=(7,6)=X where X is the public key
user B picks a private key y=3 and generates yG=3G=(10,6)=Y where Y is the public key
shared key K for A is 9 x Y = 9 x 3G = 27G = (13,7)
shared key K for B is 3 x X = 3 x 9G = 27G = (13,7)
skiped because of complexity [see more at slide 45]
ECC is strong
TLS usages ECDSA with curve P-256 and X25519 being the most popular