fDLuDCf's Practical Cryptography DLC: Block Cipher Operation Modes
Created on: 2020-02-05
Tag: cryptography
This is my class-note for fDLuDCf's Practical Cryptography DLC. I typed out what I thought to be importent and note worthy from the lecture and the slides. This is by no means guilde or complete reference for the course.
this note has numeras spelling mistakes and not yet fixed.
The slides for Lesson 04 is available here.
The video for all lessons are available in the video page
review of last class
Cipher feedback (CFB)
Output Feed Back(OFB)
Counter (CTR)
couldn't understand from lecture so watched this: https://youtu.be/Xm37066R38E
not clearly understooed
use use counter that starts for a number and increases by one
each counter is enctypted with the key
the encrypted counter and plain text is XOR-ed to produce ciphertext
it goes on until finished
can do parallal process
advantage is that we can check the intrigity of the message
take an initial value (IV), do XOR (speculating as not clear from lecture) with counter 0 value
enctypt the XOR-ed value
increase counter
use the value of first step as next steps IV do XOR (speculating as not clear from lecture) with counter 1 and then encrypt it.
XOR the encrypted value and plain text to get the ciphertext
now again XOR the ciphertext with Auth data which will be used as the Auth data for next step
in the final round we XOR Auth data, length of the key and enctypted the XOR-ed value of second step to produce an Auth Tag
used in networking with AES so called AES-GCM Authinticated Encryption
Galios hash function [see more at slide 28]
for a network packet with header, sequence and data, AES-GCM usages the header as Additional Auth data, sequence as IV and data as plain-text and produces a new packet with same header, sequence and encrypted ciphertext and a new auth tag as ICV
was used by WAP
Demo in Java
devide the key in two part and put one to escrow agency and another to govt
never got implemented due to public opposition
advantage and disadvantage [see slide]