ADB Cheat Sheet

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A quick reference to ADB.

Created on: 2019-02-03

Tag: cheat_sheet

see devices

To see the list of all connected devices:

adb devices -l

source: Query for devices

list all packages

To see the list of all packages:

adb shell 'pm list packages'

source: Android: ADB – List Installed Package Names

uninstall an app

To uninstall an app:

adb uninstall -k --user 0 $package

source: How to uninstall a system app using adb uninstall command (NOT remove via rm or any other way)

backup system and app data

To backup system and app data but not the apps:

adb backup -all

By default it saves device data to the platform-tools folder as backup.ab

source: How to Backup Your Entire Android Device to PC

backup system and app data to a file

To backup system and app data to a file but not the apps:

adb backup -all -f $path_to_backup_file.ab

source: How to Backup Your Entire Android Device to PC

restore data

To restore data:

adb restore $path_to_backup_file.ab

source: How to Backup Your Entire Android Device to PC

backup, modify and restore a specific app

to backup and restore a specific app, first list all the packages with:

adb shell pm list packages

Now backup the specific package with:

adb backup -f com.whatsapp.ab -noapk com.whatsapp

The command above indicates that we want to backup com.whatsapp package to com.whatsapp.ab file as indicated with the -f flag. The .ab says it is an Adroid Backup file. The -noapk flag indicates that we don't want the .apk file to be backed up. Now we should see a confirmation dialog prompt to start the backup. The backup will not start until we press Back up my data.

We can convert the ADB backup file to a TAR archive. First we need to stripe the 24-bite header and the use openssl to decompress the raw zlib data:

dd if=com.whatsapp.ab ibs=24 skip=1 | openssl zlib -d > com.whatsapp.tar

Or we can use tail command instead of dd:

tail -c +25 com.whatsapp.ab | openssl zlib -d > com.whatsapp.tar

Now it is plain simple decompress with tar:

tar xvf com.whatsapp.tar

To restore just do:

adb restore com.whatsapp.ab

But we have to take one more step to add 24-bite header to the .ab file if we changed the contains. For this we will also need the original .ab file.:

dd if=com.whatsapp.ab ibs=24 count=1 of=com.whatsapp-restore.ab ; openssl zlib -in com.whatsapp.tar >> com.whatsapp-restore.ab

We can also use the head command to do that as well:

head -c +24 com.whatsapp.ab > com.whatsapp-restore.ab ; openssl zlib -in com.whatsapp.tar >> com.whatsapp-restore.ab

Now restore it like before:

adb restore com.whatsapp-restore.ab

source: and

get current activity

TO see the current activity:

adb shell dumpsys window windows | grep -E 'mCurrentFocus|mFocusedApp'

source: ADB - Android - Getting the name of the current activity

start an application

To start an application aka an activity of an application:

adb shell am start -n

source: How to start an application using android ADB tools?

scroll screen

To scroll up and down:

adb shell input swipe 300 300 500 1000 #up

adb shell input swipe 500 1000 300 300 #down

source: How can I scroll an application using adb?

send text

To send text using virtual keyboard:

adb shell input text "Hello World"

source: ADB Shell Input Events: answered by Rene Barbosa

send keyevent

To send keyevent as physical keyboard:

adb shell input keyevent 66 #66 is key_code for enter

List of all key_code

source: ADB Shell Input Events: answered by LionCoder

send tap

To tap aka click on screen:

adb shell input tap x y

source: How to use ADB to send touch events to device using sendevent command?

see log of a package

to see log of a specific package

adb shell 'logcat --pid=$(pidof -s <package_name>)'

source: adb shell Logcat with Package Name

adb over wifi

we can use adb over wifi or specifically with a tcp connection. To use adb over wifi, first connect the phone via usb and enable usb debug. then list all device:

adb devices

this should give a output like this:

device_id    device

now check the ip of the android device with:

adb shell ifconfig


wlan0     Link encap:UNSPEC    Driver icnss
          inet addr:XXX.XXX.X.XX  Bcast:XXX.XXX.X.XXX

take note of the ip address after inet addr. we will need it later. now restart tcpip at some port with:

adb tcpip $port

for example 5555:

adb tcpip 5555

you can disconnect the use now. to connect to the device now just give the following command:

adb connect $ip:$port


adb connect

source: How can I connect to Android with ADB over TCP? and Android Debug Bridge (adb) | Android Developers: Connect to a device over Wi-Fi

take a screenshot

to take a screenshot:

adb exec-out screencap -p > screen.png

or save it in phone then pull:

adb shell /system/bin/screencap -p /sdcard/screenshot.png
adb pull /sdcard/screenshot.png screenshot.png

source: which commands line are used to take a screenshot on android device (except screencap)

change setting with adb

changes are divided into 3 namespace: system, secure, global. we can get, put, delete individual keys and list all in a namespace. to list all in system:

adb shell settings --user 0 list system

get, put and delete the same:

adb shell settings --user 0 get $namespace $key
adb shell settings --user 0 put $namespace $key $value
adb shell settings --user 0 delete $namespace $key

source: adb command to open settings and change them

limit the number of connected devices in hotspot

adb shell settings --user 0 put system hotspot_max_station_num $num # num=0-6 where 0 is unlimited

turn on WIFI

adb shell su -c 'svc wifi enable'

turn off WIFI

adb shell su -c 'svc wifi disable'



both of this requires root access

specify device among multiple devices

to specify particular device among multiple devices:

adb -s device_id shell

source: source:

copy files to/from a device

to copy files to a device:

adb push local remote

to copy files from a device:

adb push local remote


launch fragments

to launch fragments:

adb shell am start -n -e :android:show_fragment

The -e :android:show_fragment part is important here.


get events

to get events:

adb shell su -- getevent -lt /dev/input/event1

source: Getevent | Android Open Source Project

kill an app

to kill an app:

adb shell am force-stop

